111 lines
3.8 KiB
111 lines
3.8 KiB
MultiUse = -1 'True
Attribute VB_Name = "dwSpool"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
' Desaware API Class library
' Copyright (c) 1995-1997 by Desaware
' All rights reserved
' Preliminary demonstration edition
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function apiEnumPrinters Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "EnumPrintersA" (ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Level As Long, pPrinterEnum As Byte, ByVal cdBuf As Long, pcbNeeded As Long, pcReturned As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function apiEnumPorts Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "EnumPortsA" (ByVal pName As String, ByVal Level As Long, lpbPorts As Byte, ByVal cbBuf As Long, pcbNeeded As Long, pcReturned As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function apiEnumMonitors Lib "winspool.drv" Alias "EnumMonitorsA" (ByVal pName As String, ByVal Level As Long, pMonitors As Byte, ByVal cbBuf As Long, pcbNeeded As Long, pcReturned As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long
' Retrieves a collection of printer objects
Public Function EnumPrinters(Flags As Long, Name As String, Level As Long) As Collection
Dim needed&
Dim returned&
Dim res&
Dim tbt As Byte
Dim usename$
Dim cprinters As New Collection
Dim x&
Dim ppi As dwPrinterInfo
If Name$ = "" Then usename$ = vbNullString Else usename$ = Name
res& = apiEnumPrinters(Flags, usename$, Level, tbt, 0, needed, returned)
If needed& = 0 Then
Set EnumPrinters = cprinters
Exit Function
End If
ReDim ResultBuffer(needed) As Byte
res& = apiEnumPrinters(Flags, usename$, Level, ResultBuffer(0), needed, needed, returned)
' Now enumerate create an object for each printer structure
For x = 1 To returned
Set ppi = New dwPrinterInfo
Call ppi.LoadInfo(ResultBuffer(0), Level, x - 1)
cprinters.Add ppi
Next x
Set EnumPrinters = cprinters
End Function
' Retrieves a collection of printer objects
Public Function EnumPorts(Server As String, Level As Long) As Collection
Dim needed&
Dim returned&
Dim res&
Dim tbt As Byte
Dim useserver$
Dim cports As New Collection
Dim x&
Dim ppi As dwPortInfo
If Server$ = "" Then useserver$ = vbNullString Else useserver$ = Server
res& = apiEnumPorts(useserver, Level, tbt, 0, needed, returned)
If needed& = 0 Then
Set EnumPorts = cports
Exit Function
End If
ReDim ResultBuffer(needed) As Byte
res& = apiEnumPorts(useserver, Level, ResultBuffer(0), needed, needed, returned)
Debug.Print GetLastError()
' Now enumerate create an object for each printer structure
For x = 1 To returned
Set ppi = New dwPortInfo
Call ppi.LoadInfo(ResultBuffer(0), Level, x - 1)
cports.Add ppi
Next x
Set EnumPorts = cports
End Function
' Retrieves a collection of monitor objects
Public Function EnumMonitors(Server As String, Level As Long) As Collection
Dim needed&
Dim returned&
Dim res&
Dim tbt As Byte
Dim useserver$
Dim cmonitors As New Collection
Dim x&
Dim ppi As dwPrintMonitor
If Server$ = "" Then useserver$ = vbNullString Else useserver$ = Server
res& = apiEnumPorts(useserver, Level, tbt, 0, needed, returned)
If needed& = 0 Then
Set EnumMonitors = cmonitors
Exit Function
End If
ReDim ResultBuffer(needed) As Byte
res& = apiEnumMonitors(useserver, Level, ResultBuffer(0), needed, needed, returned)
Debug.Print GetLastError()
' Now enumerate create an object for each printer structure
For x = 1 To returned
Set ppi = New dwPrintMonitor
Call ppi.LoadInfo(ResultBuffer(0), Level, x - 1)
cmonitors.Add ppi
Next x
Set EnumMonitors = cmonitors
End Function