2429 lines
76 KiB
2429 lines
76 KiB
Attribute VB_Name = "Main"
' This module contains the main program logic for handling print jobs and printer management
' The module name "Main" indicates this is likely the primary module containing core functionality
' VB_Name is a Visual Basic attribute that sets the module name in the project
DefInt A-Z
' Global variables that store information about places, printers, printer groups, trays, and limits.
' These variables are likely used throughout the application to manage printing-related functionality.
Global Place$(300), Lpt$(300), PrinterGroup$(300), Tray$(300), Limits$(300)
Global submask$(1000, 2), submaskI%, plt$(40), lptI%, pltI%, sm, que, Replys$(100), replies%
Global replies2, replys2$(100), WDTServerTime!, Constipation%
Global mov$, Mesgline$, Mesgline2$, pgs%, source$
Global Errors$, cmd$, logcmd$, func$, Destin$, USER01$, USER02$, msgt$
Global MessageFileName$, MessageLogName$, MessageLogName2$, NetWPath$
Global COMPLETE$, COMPLETE2$, INCOME$, PrintCfg$, Reply$, ReplyComplete$, ReplyComplete2$
Global XEPS$, PLOTCFG$, PrinterCFG$, SUBSCFG$, BufferName$
Global FileTimer, Tog$
Global EngrDrive$, IEDrive$, temppath$
Global SendPROE, SendingPROE, PROEComplete$, PROEWait$, PROEIncome$
Global CQueSize%, PrintGroup%, textSerialNo$, textPrinter$
Global ExNames$(300, 2), Exusers%
Global OddCondition%
Global NETDRV As String
Global NETHAL As String
Global TogCount As Integer
' PROECH$ ' complete.hld semephore file name
' PROEReply$ ' reply.que semephore file name
Sub AddHeaders(infile$, TempFile$, Headr$, minolta$, NoPages%, RC%)
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo AH_Error
crlf$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
If minolta$ = "Yes" Then
Open temppath$ + "t2.fil" For Output As #15 'using #15
Print #15, Chr$(27) + "%-12345X@PJL JOB"
Print #15, "@PJL USTATUS JOB=ON"
' Print #15, "@PJL ECHO PPD @(#)mipwp251.ppd 1.9 14:05:09 8/31/98" + crlf$
Print #15, "@PJL SET RET=ON"
Close #15
Open temppath$ + "t2.fil" For Output As #15 'using #15
Close #15
End If
Open TFIL$ For Output As #15 'using #15
Print #15, Headr$
Close #15
If NoPages = 1 Then
Open MAKEPS$ For Output As #15 'using #15
Print #15, "C:\work\PSMODE " + infile$ + " " + temppath$ + "t2.fil " + TFIL$ + " " + TempFile$ + " Y"
Print #15, "copy c:\work\shelwait.hld c:\work\shelwait.go"
Close #15
Open MAKEPS$ For Output As #15 'using #15
Print #15, "C:\work\PSMODE " + infile$ + " " + temppath$ + "t2.fil " + TFIL$ + " " + TempFile$ + " Y"
Print #15, "copy c:\work\shelwait.hld c:\work\shelwait.go"
Close #15
End If
wh = Shell(MAKEPS$, 2)
Call PrintLog("Single Page File...Shell Complete")
Do While IsItRunning(wh) '"C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CMD.EXE")
For idfef = 1 To 100
Call WaitOnIt
Exit Sub
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Date$ + " " + Time$ + "Add Header Error"
Resume AH_Exit
' If NoPages = 1 Then
' Call Fcopy(infile$, TFIL$, Rc%)
' Call PrintLog("Multiple Page File...Copy complete")
' If Rc% = 0 Then
' Call PrintLog("Multiple Page File...Creating temporary file and inserting header Filename:" + TempFile$)
' Open TFIL$ For Input As #1'using #XX
' Open TempFile$ For Output As #2 'using #2
' Print #2, Headr$
' While Not (EOF(1))
' a$ = Input(1, #1)
' Print #2, a$;
'' If (a$ = Chr$(10)) Or (a$ = Chr$(13)) Then DoEvents
' Wend
' Close #1, #2
' End If
' Call PrintLog("Single Page File...Creating T.Fil")
'' Call PrintLog("Single Page File...Creating T.Fil")
'' Open TFIL$ For Output As #1'using #XX
'' Print #1, Headr$
'' Close #1
'' Call PrintLog("Single Page File...Creating makeps.bat")
'' Open MAKEPS$ For Output As #1'using #XX
' Print #1, "copy " + TFIL$ + " + " + infile$ + " " + TempFile$
' Print #1, "copy c:\work\shelwait.hld c:\work\shelwait.go"
' Close #1
' Shell MAKEPS$
' Call PrintLog("Single Page File...Shell Complete")
' Call WaitOnIt
' Else
' Call PrintLog("Multiple Page File...Copying to t.fil")
' Call Fcopy(infile$, TFIL$, Rc%)
' Call PrintLog("Multiple Page File...Copy complete")
' If Rc% = 0 Then
' Call PrintLog("Multiple Page File...Creating temporary file and inserting header Filename:" + TempFile$)
' Open TFIL$ For Input As #1'using #XX
' Open TempFile$ For Output As #2
' While Not (EOF(1))
' Line Input #1, a$
' b$ = Trim$(a$)
' If UCase$(Left$(b$, 6)) = "%%PAGE" Then
' Print #2, Headr$
' End If
' Print #2, a$
' DoEvents
' Wend
' Close #1, #2
' End If
' End If
End Sub
Sub GetExternalUsersFile()
' Loads External Users Into Program for processing
' File should be named as Follows: NetWPath$ + "\ExternalUsers.txt"
' and have the following format:
' COLEY|\\fm1\service\service\RcoleyCheckIn\
Exusers% = 0
If ExistsNew(NetWPath$ + "\ExternalUsers.txt") Then
Open NetWPath$ + "\ExternalUsers.txt" For Input As #18 'using #18
Do While Not EOF(18)
Line Input #18, a$
a$ = Trim(a$)
If a$ = "" Then a$ = "'"
If left(a$, 1) <> "'" Then
Call PARSE(a$, EUserName$, "|", RC%)
Call PARSE(a$, EPath$, "|'", RC%)
Exusers% = Exusers% + 1
ExNames$(Exusers%, 1) = UCase(Trim(EUserName$))
ExNames$(Exusers%, 2) = Trim(EPath$)
End If
Close #18
End If
End Sub
Sub LoadPlot()
On Error GoTo LP_Error
Open PLOTCFG$ For Input As #19 'using #19
Do While Not EOF(19)
Line Input #19, a$
If left$(a$, 1) <> ";" Then
If Trim$(a$) <> "" Then
pltI% = pltI% + 1
plt$(pltI%) = a$
frmMain.cboPrinterList.AddItem a$
End If
End If
If pltI% = 40 Then Exit Do
Close #19
Exit Sub
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Date$ + " " + Time$ + "LoadPlot Error"
Resume LP_Exit
End Sub
Sub LoadPrinters()
On Error GoTo LdPrnt_Error
Open PrinterCFG$ For Input As #20 'using #20
Do While Not EOF(20)
Line Input #20, a$
a$ = UCase$(Trim$(a$))
frmMain.cboPrinterList.AddItem a$
If left$(a$, 1) <> ";" Then
If a$ <> "" Then
lptI% = lptI% + 1
Call PARSE(a$, lp$, " ", RC%)
Place$(lptI%) = lp$
Call PARSE(a$, lp$, " ", RC%)
Lpt$(lptI%) = lp$
Call PARSE(a$, ort$, " ", RC%)
PrinterGroup$(lptI%) = ort$
Call PARSE(a$, lims$, " ", RC%)
Limits$(lptI%) = lims$
Call PARSE(a$, Try$, " ", RC%)
Tray$(lptI%) = Try$
End If
End If
If lptI% = 300 Then Exit Do
Close #20
Exit Sub
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Date$ + " " + Time$ + "LoadPrinters Error"
Resume LdPrnt_Exit
End Sub
Sub LoadSubDirs()
On Error GoTo LdSD_Error
Open SUBSCFG$ For Input As #21 'using #21
sm = 0
Do While Not EOF(21)
Line Input #21, a$
a$ = UCase$(Trim$(a$))
If left$(a$, 1) <> ";" Then
If a$ <> "" Then
sm = sm + 1
Call PARSE(a$, M$, " ", RC%)
submask$(sm, 1) = Trim$(M$)
Call PARSE(a$, sb$, " ", RC%)
submask$(sm, 2) = Trim$(sb$)
End If
End If
If sm >= 1000 Then
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Call PrintLog("E R R O R L O A D I N G S U B S . C F G !!!!!!!!!")
Exit Do
End If
submaskI% = sm
Close #21
Exit Sub
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Date$ + " " + Time$ + "Load Sub Dir Error"
Resume LdSD_Exit
End Sub
Sub PrintPSFile(printQname$, Who$)
PrintLog "Print PS File...calling ADDHEADERS"
TogCount = TogCount + 1
If TogCount > 999 Then TogCount = 0
frmMain.lblTog.Caption = Str(TogCount)
Tog$ = Trim(Str(TogCount)) + ".ps"
' If Tog$ = ".1" Then Tog$ = ".2" Else Tog$ = ".1"
PrintBufferfileName$ = BufferName$ + Tog$
crlf$ = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
'Special minolta code!!!!!!
If Tray$(que) = "PS3" Then
' If (Lpt$(que) = "SVCMINOLTA") Or (Lpt$(que) = "DOCKC") Then
HED$ = "%%BoundingBox: 0 0 792 1224" + crlf$
HED$ = HED$ + "%%BeginFeature: *PageSize Tabloid" + crlf$
HED$ = HED$ + " << /PageSize [792 1224]" + crlf$
HED$ = HED$ + " /ImagingBBox null" + crlf$
HED$ = HED$ + " >> setpagedevice" + crlf$
HED$ = HED$ + "%%EndFeature" + crlf$
minolta$ = "Yes"
HED$ = ""
minolta$ = ""
End If
HED$ = HED$ + "/Helvetica findfont 10 scalefont setfont" + crlf$
HED$ = HED$ + "45 38 moveto" + crlf$
HED$ = HED$ + "(" + Mesgline$ + ") show"
HED$ = HED$ + crlf$ + "/Helvetica findfont 10 scalefont setfont" + crlf$
HED$ = HED$ + "45 48 moveto" + crlf$
HED$ = HED$ + "(" + Mesgline2$ + ") show"
Call AddHeaders(mov$, PrintBufferfileName$, HED$, minolta$, pgs%, RC%)
nam1$ = Trim$(left$(source$ + " ", 8)) + "_" + Trim$(left$(USER01$ + " ", 3))
PrintLog "Print PS File...creating printcfg.bat"
On Error GoTo PrnPSF_Error
Open PrintCfg$ For Output As #1 'using #1
Print #1, "NPRINT " + PrintBufferfileName$ + " /NAM=" + nam1$ + " /Q=Q-" + Lpt$(que) + " NT NB NFF NNOTI"
Print #1, "copy c:\work\shelwait.hld c:\work\shelwait.go"
Close #1
PrintLog "Print PS File...created file printcfg.bat"
PrintLog "Print PS File...shelling to printcfg.bat"
Select Case printQname$
frmPSSpooler.lstDistiller.AddItem Who$ + "|" + PrintBufferfileName$
PrintLog "Sending print to Distiller Waiting"
While frmPSSpooler.lstDistiller.ListCount > 0
For idfef = 1 To 100
frmPSSpooler.lstDistiller.AddItem printQname$ + Who$ + "|" + PrintBufferfileName$
PrintLog "Sending print to Distiller Waiting"
While frmPSSpooler.lstDistiller.ListCount > 0
For idfef = 1 To 100
Case Else
If frmMain.UseSpooler = 1 Then
frmPSSpooler.lstFiles.AddItem Lpt$(que) + "|" + PrintBufferfileName$
PrintLog "Sending print to PS Spooler and Waiting"
While frmPSSpooler.lstFiles.ListCount > 0
For idfef = 1 To 100
PrintLog "PS Spooler Complete"
wh = Shell(PrintCfg$, 2)
Call PrintLog("Single Page File...Shell Complete")
Do While IsItRunning(wh) '"C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\CMD.EXE")
For idfef = 1 To 100
PrintLog "Print PS File...shell complete printcfg.bat"
Call WaitOnIt
End If
End Select
Exit Sub
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Date$ + " " + Time$ + "PrintPSFile Error"
Resume PrnPSF_Exit
End Sub
Function Replace$(strng$, sfnd$, Rplc$)
Dim i%, s$
s$ = ""
For i% = 1 To Len(strng$)
If Mid$(strng$, i%, Len(sfnd$)) = sfnd$ Then
s$ = s$ + Rplc$
s$ = s$ + Mid$(strng$, i%, 1)
End If
Replace$ = s$
End Function
' This subroutine searches the array submask$(1000,2) for the subdirectory
' that this part is in . . . if the part has no agreed to mask then it is
' given no sub directory
Sub subsearch(part$, subd$)
subd$ = ""
If Len(part$) < 7 Then Exit Sub
sear$ = left$(part$ + " ", 7)
For ix = 1 To submaskI%
lx = InStr(submask$(ix, 1), "X") - 1
If lx = -1 Then lx = 7
If lx = 0 Then
subd$ = submask$(ix, 2) + "\"
Exit For
End If
If left$(part$, lx) = left$(submask$(ix, 1), lx) Then
subd$ = submask$(ix, 2) + "\"
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Public Sub StartSystem()
'On Error GoTo allerrs
' P DANNY.DWG ENGR WO999999 JO88888
' Process Income.Que File
StepNo$ = "call WDTserver1" 'Debug Var
Call WDTServer
StepNo$ = "?" 'Debug Var
frmMain.LstPrint.Enabled = True
If (ExistsNew(COMPLETE$) And ExistsNew(INCOME$)) Or (frmMain.lstIncome.ListCount > 0) Then
If ExistsNew(INCOME$) Then
PrintLog "'Complete File' exists translating commands"
On Error GoTo StartError_Error
StepNo$ = "Open Income$" 'Debug Var
Open INCOME$ For Input As #5
Do While Not EOF(5)
Line Input #5, cmd$
frmMain.lstIncome.AddItem cmd$
Close #5
StepNo$ = "?" 'Debug Var
PrintLog "reseting the semephore files and looping to top"
StepNo$ = "Kill INCOME$ 1" 'Debug Var
If Not KillIt(INCOME$) Then PrintLog "---------- Failed to delete " + INCOME$ + " " + StepNo$
StepNo$ = "Kill Complete$ 1" 'Debug Var
If Not KillIt(COMPLETE$) Then PrintLog "---------- Failed to delete " + COMPLETE$ + " " + StepNo$
Pause 2
StepNo$ = "Kill INCOME$ 2" 'Debug Var
If Not KillIt(INCOME$) Then PrintLog "---------- Failed to delete " + INCOME$ + " " + StepNo$
StepNo$ = "Kill Complete$ 2" 'Debug Var
If Not KillIt(COMPLETE$) Then PrintLog "---------- Failed to delete " + COMPLETE$ + " " + StepNo$
StepNo$ = "Enter Kill Loop" 'Debug Var
ccnt = 0
Do While (ExistsNew(COMPLETE$) Or ExistsNew(INCOME$))
'Beep& 800&, 500&
'Beep& 700&, 500&
If ccnt < 10 Then
frmMain.lstError.AddItem "******* did not kill complete or income file retrying in 2 secs" + Time$ + " " + Date$
PrintLog "******* did not kill complete or income file retrying in 2 secs"
PrintLog "******* did not kill complete or income file 10 retries failed"
Exit Do
End If
cnt = cnt + 1
Pause (2)
If Not KillIt(INCOME$) Then PrintLog "---------- Failed to delete " + INCOME$ + " " + StepNo$
If Not KillIt(COMPLETE$) Then PrintLog "---------- Failed to delete " + COMPLETE$ + " " + StepNo$
StepNo$ = "Exit Kill Loop" 'Debug Var
End If
If replies <> 0 Then
GoSub GetCmd
If frmMain.lstIncome.ListCount > 0 Then
cmd$ = Trim(frmMain.lstIncome.List(0))
frmMain.lstIncome.RemoveItem (0)
Exit Do
End If
' Line Input #5, cmd$
If Len(cmd$) > 6 Then
' is this the dreaded CheckIn command?
ccc$ = UCase$(Mid$(cmd$, 1, 1))
Select Case ccc$
Case "I"
frmMain.lstCheckIn.AddItem cmd$
cmd$ = ""
Case "Y"
frmMain.lstCheckIn.AddItem cmd$
cmd$ = ""
Case "P"
PrinterName$ = Trim$(UCase$(Mid$(cmd$, 10, 10)))
PartName$ = Trim$(UCase$(Mid$(cmd$, 2, 7)))
prtgrp = 0
For i = 1 To lptI%
If UCase$(Place$(i)) = PrinterName$ Then
prtgrp = Val(PrinterGroup$(i))
Exit For
End If
Next i
If prtgrp > frmMain.lstPGroup.Count - 1 Then prtgrp = 0
ChecinQ = False
xxxx = frmMain.lstCheckIn.ListCount
If xxxx > 0 Then
For ixx = 0 To xxxx - 1
cmx$ = frmMain.lstCheckIn.List(ixx)
cmxPN$ = Trim$(UCase$(Mid$(cmx$, 2, 7)))
If PartName$ = cmxPN$ Then
ChecinQ = True
Exit For
End If
End If
If ChecinQ Then
frmMain.lstCheckIn.AddItem cmd$
frmMain.lstPGroup(prtgrp).AddItem cmd$
End If
cmd$ = ""
Case Else
If cmd$ <> "" Then
frmMain.lstPGroup(0).AddItem cmd$
cmd$ = ""
End If
End Select
End If
End If
If cmd$ <> "" Then
StepNo$ = "GoSub ProcessCmd1" 'Debug Var
GoSub ProcessCmd
End If
' Call checkPROEServer
StepNo$ = "call WDTserver2" 'Debug Var
Call WDTServer
If replies <> 0 Then
StepNo$ = "GoSub GetCmd" 'Debug Var
GoSub GetCmd
StepNo$ = "GoSub ProcessCmd2" 'Debug Var
GoSub ProcessCmd
cmd$ = ""
For i = 1 To frmMain.lstPGroup.Count
PrintGroup = PrintGroup + 1
If PrintGroup > frmMain.lstPGroup.Count - 1 Then PrintGroup = 1
If frmMain.picCount(PrintGroup).BackColor <> &HFF Then '02-aug-2012 this queue paused
If frmMain.lstPGroup(PrintGroup).ListCount <> 0 Then
cmd$ = frmMain.lstPGroup(PrintGroup).List(0)
frmMain.lstPGroup(PrintGroup).RemoveItem (0)
Exit For
End If
End If '02-aug-2012 this queue paused
If cmd = "" Then
PrintGroup = 0
If frmMain.picCount(PrintGroup).BackColor <> &HFF Then '02-aug-2012 this queue paused
If frmMain.lstPGroup(PrintGroup).ListCount <> 0 Then
cmd$ = frmMain.lstPGroup(PrintGroup).List(0)
frmMain.lstPGroup(PrintGroup).RemoveItem (0)
End If
End If '02-aug-2012 this queue paused
End If
If cmd$ <> "" Then
If UCase$(left$(cmd$, 5)) = "*CAD*" Then
cmd$ = Mid$(cmd$, 6)
End If
StepNo$ = "GoSub ProcessCmd3" 'Debug Var
GoSub ProcessCmd
'handle checkin list
If frmMain.lstCheckIn.ListCount <> 0 Then
cmd$ = frmMain.lstCheckIn.List(0)
frmMain.lstCheckIn.RemoveItem (0)
If UCase$(left$(cmd$, 5)) = "*CAD*" Then
cmd$ = Mid$(cmd$, 6)
End If
StepNo$ = "GoSub ProcessCmd4" 'Debug Var
GoSub ProcessCmd
End If
End If
End If
StepNo$ = "Call FlushReplies" 'Debug Var
Call FlushReplies
StepNo$ = "Call WDTServer3" 'Debug Var
Call WDTServer
If (ExistsNew(COMPLETE$) And (Not (ExistsNew(INCOME$)))) Then
frmMain.lstError.AddItem "******* An odd condition has occured RETRYCNT=" + Trim(Str(OddCondition))
OddCondition = OddCondition - 1
Pause 1
If OddCondition < 1 Then
frmMain.lstError.AddItem "******* An odd condition exists complete$ exists and Income$ doesn't " + Time$ + " " + Date$
PrintLog "******* An odd condition exists complete$ exists and Income$ doesn't"
StepNo$ = "Odd condition" 'Debug Var
If Not KillIt(COMPLETE$) Then PrintLog "---------- Failed to delete " + COMPLETE$ + " " + StepNo$
OddCondition = 10
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
cmd$ = Replys$(1)
replies = replies - 1
For rpx = 1 To replies
Replys$(rpx) = Replys$(rpx + 1)
frmMain.lstReply1.RemoveItem 0
If UCase$(left$(cmd$, 5)) = "*CAD*" Then
cmd$ = Mid$(cmd$, 6)
End If
'''''' 1 2 3 4 5 6
'''''' 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
''''''print P Part Printer Banner1 Date Product Number mesg type
'''''' 1<---8--><---10---><---10---><-----14-----><------15----->XY
''''''textprt T Serial No Printer
'''''' 1<---10---><---10--->
'''''' 123456781234567890123451234567890123456789012345678
''''''ck out O Part# Product # Directory New Name Date EXT
'''''' in 1<---8--><------15-----><---10---><--8---><-----14----->
''''''refer R<---8--><------15-----><---10---><--8---><-----14-----><3>
'''''' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
'''''' 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
'''''' back
''''''ie move
'''''' 1 2 3 4 5 6
'''''' 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890
'''''' PROE 1234567812345678901234512345678901234567890
'''''' in 1<---8--><------15-----><---10---><--8---><-----14----->X
''''''start S Part# Product # Directory IE Dir Date IGES Indicator
''''''end D Part# Product # Directory IE Dir Date
''''''IGES G Part# Product # Directory IE Dir Date
''''''ASM A Part# Product # Directory IE Dir Date
''''''Copy Y Part# Product # <- newpart 15-><-user 9-><- date 14 -->
''''''kill MU X part# Product # Directory Date
Errors$ = " "
cmd$ = RPad$(UCase$(cmd$), 77)
FileExtCopied$ = ""
logcmd$ = cmd$
func$ = left$(cmd$, 1)
source$ = Mid$(cmd$, 2, 8)
'' rob
type130 = False
If func$ = "P" Then
If Mid$(cmd$, 44, 3) = "130" Then
type130 = True
source$ = Mid$(cmd$, 44, 10)
End If
End If
''end rob
Call subsearch(source$, subdirect$)
Destin$ = Mid$(cmd$, 10, 10)
USER01$ = Mid$(cmd$, 20, 10)
USER02$ = Mid$(cmd$, 30, 14)
IFSFolder$ = Mid$(cmd$, 44, 15)
textSerialNo = Mid$(cmd$, 2, 10)
'' rob
If type130 Then
textSerialNo = Mid$(cmd$, 44, 10)
End If
''end rob
textPrinter = Mid$(cmd$, 12, 10)
msgt$ = Mid$(cmd$, 59, 1) ' message to print indicator
Rohs$ = UCase(Mid$(cmd$, 60, 1)) 'rohs message
Select Case Rohs$
Case " ", "Y"
Case "N"
Mesgline2$ = " "
Case Else
End Select
ProductRev$ = Mid$(cmd$, 9, 1)
'' rob
If type130 Then
textSerialNo = Mid$(cmd$, 44, 10)
End If
'' end rob
Product$ = Trim(Mid$(cmd$, 10, 15))
NewProduct$ = Trim(Mid$(cmd$, 25, 15))
Directry$ = Mid$(cmd$, 25, 10)
NewName$ = Mid$(cmd$, 35, 8)
Newdate$ = Mid$(cmd$, 43, 14)
IEDir$ = Mid$(cmd$, 35, 10)
IEDate$ = Mid$(cmd$, 45, 14)
RefExt$ = Mid$(cmd$, 57, 3)
IGESPRoe$ = Mid$(cmd$, 57, 1)
PrintLog "command received >" + cmd$
Select Case func$
Case "P"
dddttt$ = Mid(cmd$, 30)
Case "X"
dddttt$ = Mid(cmd$, 35)
Case Else
dddttt$ = Mid(cmd$, 43)
End Select
dddttt$ = Mid(dddttt$, 5, 2) + "-" + Mid(dddttt$, 7, 2) + "-" + left$(dddttt$, 4) + " " + Mid(dddttt$, 9, 2) + ":" + Mid(dddttt$, 11, 2) + ":" + Mid(dddttt$, 13, 2)
PrintLog "Function:" + func$ + " - Part No: " + source$ + " - Date " + dddttt$
pgs% = 0
Select Case func$
Case "P" ' plot
GoSub PrintDrawing
Case "W" ' wiring diagram
GoSub PrintWiring
Case "R" ' reference
GoSub MoveOUT
Case "O" ' checkout
GoSub MoveOUT
Case "B" ' checkout
GoSub MoveBACK
Case "I" ' checkin
GoSub MoveIN
cmd$ = RPad(cmd$, 58) + IGESIncluded$
Case "Y" ' Copy to New part
GoSub CopyPart
Case "E"
' move to IE
GoSub MoveIE
Case "T"
GoSub PrintTextFile ' print a text file
Case "X"
GoSub KillMarkUp
Case Else
Errors$ = "E99" ' invalid command
End Select
GoSub FormatReply
GM$ = RPad$("*CAD*S" + frmMain.MakePGroupPacket, CQueSize%)
frmMain.lblPkt.Caption = GM$
'-USE ITC------------------------------------------------------------------------
If frmMain.chkUseITC.value = 1 Then
frmMain.lstSend.AddItem GM$
replies2 = replies2 + 1
replys2$(replies2) = GM$
frmMain.lstReply2.AddItem GM$
End If
If (pgs% >= 0) Or (pgs% = -2) Then
'-USE ITC------------------------------------------------------------------------
If frmMain.chkUseITC.value = 1 Then
frmMain.lstSend.AddItem ReplyMsg$
PrintLog "REPLY>>>" + ReplyMsg$ + "<<<"
replies2 = replies2 + 1
replys2$(replies2) = ReplyMsg$
frmMain.lstReply2.AddItem ReplyMsg$
End If
End If
' While frmCheckAssembly.lstRepliesToProcess.ListCount > 0
' rplyfrmass$ = frmCheckAssembly.lstRepliesToProcess.List(0)
' frmCheckAssembly.lstRepliesToProcess.RemoveItem 0
' frmMain.lstReply2.AddItem rplyfrmass$
' replies2 = replies2 + 1
' replys2$(replies2) = rplyfrmass$
' Wend
If (replies > 2) Or (replies2 > 2) Then
Call FlushReplies
End If
If Errors$ = "" Then Errors$ = " "
cadflag$ = right$(" " + cadflag$, 1)
NOFiles$ = right$("000" + Trim$(Str$(NoOfFilesMoved)), 3)
ReplyMsg$ = RPad$("*CAD*" + cmd$, CQueSize% - 3) + Errors$
If (func$ <> "P") And (func$ <> "Y") Then
Mid$(ReplyMsg$, 62, 4) = right$(" " + cadflag$ + NOFiles$, 4)
PrintLog "Main - Process Income.Que ... printing to reply.que"
Mid$(ReplyMsg$, 66, 9) = LPad$(Format$(FileSizes&, "0"), 9)
Mid$(ReplyMsg$, 75, 48) = RPad$(FileExtCopied$, 48)
End If
GoSub logline
fln$ = IEDrive$ + "\supertester\testlog\" + textSerialNo + ".txt"
If ExistsNew(fln$) Then
frmPSSpooler.lstFiles.AddItem Trim(textPrinter) + "|" + fln$
End If
pgs% = 0
qname$ = Trim$(Destin$)
Namer$ = Trim$(USER01$)
Who$ = Namer$ + "-" + source$
TypPrint$ = " "
InvMesg$ = " "
For i = 1 To pltI%
If msgt$ = LTrim$(left$(plt$(i), 1)) Then
TypPrint$ = Trim$(Mid$(plt$(i), 2, 31))
InvMesg$ = Trim$(Mid$(plt$(i), 34))
Exit For
End If
que = 0
For i = 1 To lptI%
If UCase$(Place$(i)) = qname$ Then
que = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
' Select Type of print
mov$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(source$)
movplt$ = mov$ + ".plt"
movps$ = mov$ + ".ps"
Movdwg$ = mov$ + ".dwg"
movEps$ = mov$ + ".eps"
movpdf$ = mov$ + "\" + Trim$(source$) + ".pdf"
movpdf2$ = mov$ + ".pdf"
If (Trim(Destin$) = "FTPCHINA") Then
' Handle Foshan\Drawings\ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
PrintLog "Moving file:" + source$
PrintLog " From:" + movpdf$
PrintLog " or From:" + movpdf2$
China1$ = "\\qhal\root\Foshan\Drawings\"
If Trim(IFSFolder$) = "" Then
China1$ = China1$ + Trim(IFSFolder$)
If Not (ExistsPath(China1$)) Then
Call CreatePath(China1$)
End If
End If
China1$ = pathCheck(China1$) + Trim(source$) + ".pdf"
PrintLog " to File:" + China1$
Call Fcopy(movpdf$, China1$, RC%)
rcx% = RC%
If RC% = 0 Then
PrintLog "Moved file:" + source$
PrintLog " to FTP folder:" + IFSFolder
End If
Call Fcopy(movpdf2$, China1$, RC%)
rcx = rcx + RC%
If RC% = 0 Then
PrintLog "Moved file:" + source$
PrintLog " to FTP folder:" + IFSFolder
End If
If rcx% > 1 Then
Errors$ = "P01" ' error
Errors$ = " "
End If
ElseIf (Trim(Destin$) = "FTPENG") Then
' Handle DrawTemp\ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
PrintLog "Moving file:" + source$
PrintLog " From:" + movpdf$
PrintLog " or From:" + movpdf2$
DTfldr1$ = "\\qhal\root\DrawTemp\"
If Trim(IFSFolder$) = "" Then
DTfldr1$ = DTfldr1$ + Trim(IFSFolder$)
If Not (ExistsPath(DTfldr1$)) Then
Call CreatePath(DTfldr1$)
End If
End If
DTfldr1$ = pathCheck(DTfldr1$) + Trim(source$) + ".pdf"
PrintLog " to File:" + DTfldr1$
Call Fcopy(movpdf$, DTfldr1$, RC%)
rcx% = RC%
If RC% = 0 Then
PrintLog "Moved file:" + source$
PrintLog " to FTP folder:" + IFSFolder
End If
Call Fcopy(movpdf2$, DTfldr1$, RC%)
rcx = rcx + RC%
If RC% = 0 Then
PrintLog "Moved file:" + source$
PrintLog " to FTP folder:" + IFSFolder
End If
If rcx% > 1 Then
Errors$ = "P01" ' error
Errors$ = " "
End If
If (ExistsNew(movpdf$) Or ExistsNew(movpdf2$)) Then
' PDF Exist
mov$ = ""
lp$ = Lpt$(que)
If ExistsNew(movpdf2$) Then
Call frmPDF.PrintAPDF(movpdf2$, lp$, Namer$, TypPrint$)
Call frmPDF.PrintAPDF(movpdf$, lp$, Namer$, TypPrint$)
End If
pgs% = 1
ElseIf ExistsNew(movplt$) Then
' Pro-E Exists - Two pages to print
mov$ = movplt$
pgs% = 2
' No, Nothing exists --- ERROR !!!
mov$ = ""
pgs% = 0
End If
If pgs% <> -1 Then ' -1 means it was passed to another server
Errors$ = " " ' no error
PrintLog "Mov$=" + mov$
If ExistsNew(Trim$(mov$)) Then
If FileLen(Trim$(mov$)) = 0 Then
Errors$ = "P03"
Mesgline$ = " " + TypPrint$ + " " + Time$ + " " + Date$ + " "
Mesgline$ = Mesgline$ + InvMesg$ + " " + mov$ + " printed at "
Mesgline$ = Mesgline$ + qname$ + " by " + USER01$
PrintLog "Message Line =" + Mesgline$
PSFileStr$ = Replace$(Mesgline$, "\", "\\")
Mesgline$ = PSFileStr$
Call PrintPSFile(qname$, Who$)
End If
If Trim(mov$) <> "" Then
Errors$ = "P01"
End If
End If
End If
End If
' Moves the Drawing from the Main CAD Directory to the User
If left$(source$, 2) = "PD" Then
RefExt$ = INIorTXT(EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(source$))
End If
FrommExt$ = UCase$(Trim$(RefExt$))
If func$ = "R" And (FrommExt$ <> "") Then
FromM$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(source$) + "." + FrommExt$
fromm1$ = Trim$(source$)
fromm1$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + left$(fromm1$, Len(fromm1$) - 1) + "." + FrommExt$
If (FrommExt$ <> "PLT") And (FrommExt$ <> "TXT") And (FrommExt$ <> "INI") Then FromM$ = fromm1$
Too$ = UserDrive$(Directry$) + Trim$(NewName$) + "." + FrommExt$
Too1$ = Trim$(NewName$)
Too1$ = UserDrive$(Directry$) + left$(Too1$, Len(Too1$) - 1) + "." + FrommExt$
If (FrommExt$ = "DRW") Or (FrommExt$ = "PRT") Or (FrommExt$ = "ASM") Or (FrommExt$ = "BOM") Then
Too$ = Too1$ + ".1"
End If
PrintLog "Main - CopyIt... copying file " + FromM$ + " to " + Too$
If (left(source$, 2) = "SW") Or (left(Destin$, 2) = "SW") Or (left(source$, 2) = "AI") Or (left(Destin$, 2) = "AI") Then 'This is special copy (Folder)
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromM$, Too$, rccc%)
ElseIf ItIsAnAltium(FromM$) Then
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromM$, Too$, rccc%)
ElseIf ItIsACBR(FromCBR$) Then
PrintLog "it is a CBR Menu folder"
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
PrintLog "CBR FromM$ - " + FromCBR$
PrintLog "CBR Too$ - " + Too$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromM$, Too$, rccc%)
PrintLog "CBR rccc% - " + Str(rccc%)
ElseIf ItIsAManual(FromM$) Then
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromM$, Too$, rccc%)
ElseIf ItIsASolidWorksFolder(FromM$ + "\" + Trim$(source$) + ".SLDDRW") Then
PrintLog "it is a Solid Works folder"
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
PrintLog "SW FromM$ - " + FromM$
PrintLog "SW Too$ - " + Too$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromM$, Too$, rccc%)
PrintLog "SW rccc% - " + Str(rccc%)
ElseIf ItIsAnOCD(FromM$) Then
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromM$, Too$, rccc%)
ElseIf ItIsAMENUFolder(FromM$) Then
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromM$, Too$, rccc%)
GoSub CopyWithCount
End If
If RC% <> 0 Then
Errors$ = "C" + right$("00" + Trim$(Str$(RC%)), 2)
NoOfFilesMoved = 0
Errors$ = " "
NoOfFilesMoved = 1
End If
If (left$(source$, 2) = "PD") Then
Tailn$ = ""
Tailn$ = ".1"
End If
FromM$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(source$)
Too$ = UserDrive$(Directry$) + Trim$(NewName$)
GoSub CopyIt
End If
' Moves the Drawing from the User to then Main CAD Directory
Errors$ = ""
Call subsearch(NewName$, subdirect$)
FromM$ = UserDrive$(Directry$) + Trim$(NewName$)
Too$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(NewName$)
TooIE$ = IEDrive$ + "\IGES\" + Trim$(NewName$)
FrommPE$ = Trim$(NewName$)
FrommPE$ = left$(FrommPE$, Len(FrommPE$) - 1)
FrommPE$ = UserDrive$(Directry$) + Trim$(FrommPE$)
PrintLog "Is this a Pro-E?"
If ThisIsProE(FromM$) Then
PrintLog "This a Pro-E!"
jc% = 0
Call RenameProe(FrommPE$ + ".DRW", RC%): jc% = jc% + RC%
Call RenameProe(FrommPE$ + ".PRT", RC%): jc% = jc% + RC%
Call RenameProe(FrommPE$ + ".PTD", RC%): jc% = jc% + RC%
bomcnt% = 0
Call RenameProe(FrommPE$ + ".BOM", RC%): jc% = jc% + RC%: bomcnt = bomcnt + RC%
Call RenameProe(FrommPE$ + ".IGS", RC%) 'IGES Files don't count
If RC% = 0 Then
IGESIncluded$ = "0"
IGESIncluded$ = "1"
Call Fcopy(FrommPE$ + ".IGS", TooIE$ + ".IGS", RC%)
PurgeIt (FrommPE$ + ".IGS")
End If
Call RenameProe(FrommPE$ + ".ASM", RC%): jc% = jc% + RC%
assm% = 0
If RC% <> 0 Then 'do we have an assembly?
If frmCheckAssembly.chkNoCheck = 0 Then 'are we checking assemblies?
If frmCheckAssembly.Execute(FrommPE$ + ".asm") > 90 Then
assm% = 1
Errors$ = "I14"
End If
End If
If (assm% = 0) Then
If (bomcnt <> 0) Then
' if we have an assembly we might have a bom
frmBOM.txtGood.Text = "False"
frmBOM.txtAssembly = NewName$
frmBOM.txtBOM = FrommPE$ + ".BOM"
If (Errors$ = "") And (jc% <> 0) Then
Call frmBOM.cmdClearBOM_Click ' clear the old assembly
Call frmBOM.cmdReadBOM_Click ' read in the new assembly
End If
Select Case frmBOM.txtGood.Text
Case "0" ' good bom
Case "1" ' bad bom
assm% = 1
Errors$ = "I16"
Case "2" ' no bom
assm% = 1
Errors$ = "I15"
Case Else ' unknown bom
assm% = 1
Errors$ = "I16"
End Select
Prefx$ = left(NewName$, 3)
Suffix$ = right(NewName$, 1)
If (Prefx$ <> "810") And (Prefx$ <> "807") Then
assm% = 1
Errors$ = "I15"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If assm% = 0 Then
If jc% = 0 Then
Errors$ = "C06"
frmBOM.txtAssembly = NewName$
Call frmBOM.cmdClearBOM_Click
Lev$ = UCase$(right$(FromM$, 1))
plev$ = Trim$(UCase$(right$(source$, 1)))
If plev$ <> "" Then
FromM$ = left$(Too$, Len(Too$) - 1)
Call SaveRev(FromM$, plev$)
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".DRW")
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".PTD")
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".PRT")
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".BOM")
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".ASM")
FromM$ = UserDrive$(Directry$) + Trim$(NewName$)
Too$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(NewName$)
End If
End If
' if the assembly is bad clear it out of the work file
frmBOM.txtAssembly = NewName$
Call frmBOM.cmdClearBOM_Click
End If
' It is not a PRO-e
FromD$ = FromM$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$)
FromF$ = FromM$
FromMenu$ = FromD$ + ".xlsx"
FromINI$ = FromD$ + ".ini"
FromCBR$ = FromD$ + ".cbr"
FromPDF$ = FromD$ + ".pdf"
PrintLog "Is this a Menu? - FromM$" + FromM$
If ItIsAMENUFolder(FromM$) Then
PrintLog "This is a Menu!"
' A menu must have a .xlsx and a .pdf file inside its folder
bad = 0
Foldertype$ = "Unknown"
FromD$ = FromM$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$)
FromF$ = FromM$
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".pdf"
FromMenu$ = FromD$ + ".xlsx"
FromINI$ = FromD$ + ".ini"
FromCBR$ = FromD$ + ".cbr"
TooMenu$ = "C:\MenuFolder\in\" + Trim$(NewName$) + ".xlsx"
If (ExistsNew(FromM$)) And (ExistsNew(FromMenu$)) And (ExistsNew(FromINI$) Or (ExistsNew(FromCBR$))) Then ' it has a pdf and a xlsx file so it is a menu
Foldertype$ = "Menu"
PrintLog "Menu - CopyFolder"
PrintLog "FromF$ >" + FromF$
PrintLog "Too$ >" + Too$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromF$, Too$, rccc%)
Call Fcopy(FromMenu$, TooMenu$, Rcm%)
cadflag$ = "L"
FromM$ = FromF$
GoSub DeleteIt
Errors$ = "Copied" ' - already copied it
bad = 1
Errors$ = "I18" ' bad menu
End If
ElseIf ItIsAnAutoCad(FromM$) Then
PrintLog "This is an AutoCad!"
bad = 0
' Fromm$ = UserDrive$(Directry$) + Trim$(NewName$)
' Too$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(NewName$)
If (ExistsNew(FromM$ + ".DWG")) And (ExistsNew(FromM$ + ".PDF")) Then
RC1% = 0
Too$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect + Trim$(NewName$)
Call Fcopy(FromM$ + ".DWG", Too$ + ".DWG", RC%): RC1% = RC1% + RC%
Call Fcopy(FromM$ + ".PDF", Too$ + ".PDF", RC%): RC1% = RC1% + RC%
If RC1% = 0 Then
Call KillIt(FromM$ + ".DWG")
Call KillIt(FromM$ + ".PDF")
End If
Errors$ = "Copied" ' - already copied it
bad = 1
Errors$ = "I18" ' bad File
End If
ElseIf ItIsAManual(FromM$) Then
PrintLog "This is a Manual!"
bad = 0
Foldertype$ = "Unknown"
FromD$ = FromM$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$)
FromF$ = FromM$
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".pdf"
If (ExistsNew(FromM$)) Then ' it has a pdf file so it is a manual
Foldertype$ = "Manual"
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromF$, Too$, rccc%)
cadflag$ = "L"
FromM$ = FromF$
GoSub DeleteIt
Errors$ = "Copied" ' - already copied it
bad = 1
Errors$ = "I18" ' bad manual
End If
ElseIf ItIsASolidWorksFolder(FromM$ + "\" + left$(Trim$(source$), 7) + ".SLDDRW") Then
PrintLog "This is a Solid Works Folder!"
bad = 0
Foldertype$ = "SolidWorks"
FromD$ = FromM$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$)
FromF$ = FromM$
FromSolid$ = FromM$ + "\" + left$(Trim$(source$), 7) + ".SLDDRW"
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".pdf"
PrintLog "Solid Works must have " + FromM$ + " and "
PrintLog " FromSolid - " + FromSolid$
If (ExistsNew(FromM$)) And (ExistsNew(FromSolid$)) Then ' it has a pdf and a slddrw file so it is a SolidWorks File
Foldertype$ = "Unknown"
PrintLog "Solid Works is good"
PrintLog "copying FromF$ to Too$"
PrintLog "FromF$ >" + FromF$
PrintLog "Too$ >" + Too$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromF$, Too$, rccc%)
PrintLog "Is there a BOM File?"
If ExistsNew(Too$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$) + ".BOM") Then
PrintLog "Yes: --" + Too$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$) + ".BOM"
frmBOM.txtGood.Text = "False"
frmBOM.txtAssembly = NewName$
frmBOM.txtBOM = Too$ + "\" + left$(Trim$(NewName$), 8) + ".BOM"
Call frmBOM.cmdClearBOM_Click ' clear the old assembly
Call frmBOM.ReadSolidBOM ' read in the new assembly
Select Case frmBOM.txtGood.Text
Case "0" ' good bom
Case "1" ' bad bom
assm% = 1
Errors$ = "I16"
Case "2" ' no bom
assm% = 1
Errors$ = "I15"
Case Else ' unknown bom
assm% = 1
Errors$ = "I16"
End Select
PrintLog "Nope: --" + Too$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$) + ".BOM"
End If
cadflag$ = "W" 'Solid works Folder
FromM$ = FromF$
GoSub DeleteIt
Errors$ = "Copied" ' - already copied it
bad = 1
Errors$ = "I17" ' bad solid works folder
End If
ElseIf ItIsACBR(FromM$) Then
PrintLog "This is a CBR Menu Folder!"
bad = 0
Foldertype$ = "Unknown"
FromD$ = FromM$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$)
FromF$ = FromM$
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".cbr"
If (ExistsNew(FromM$)) Then ' it has a cbr file so it is a good ocb
Foldertype$ = "CBR"
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromF$, Too$, rccc%)
cadflag$ = "L"
FromM$ = FromF$
GoSub DeleteIt
Errors$ = "Copied" ' - already copied it
bad = 1
Errors$ = "I19" ' bad manual
End If
ElseIf ItIsAnOCD(FromM$) Then
PrintLog "This is an OCD!"
bad = 0
Foldertype$ = "Unknown"
FromD$ = FromM$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$)
FromF$ = FromM$
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".xlsx"
Too$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(NewName$)
If (ExistsNew(FromM$)) Then ' it has a xlsx file so it is a good OCD folder
Foldertype$ = "OCD"
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromF$, Too$, rccc%)
cadflag$ = "L"
FromM$ = FromF$
GoSub DeleteIt
Errors$ = "Copied" ' - already copied it
bad = 1
Errors$ = "I18" ' bad ocd
End If
ElseIf ItIsAPurchasePart(FromM$) Then
PrintLog "This is a Purchase Part!"
bad = 0
Foldertype$ = "Unknown"
FromD$ = FromM$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$)
FromF$ = FromM$
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".pdf"
Too$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(NewName$)
If (ExistsNew(FromM$)) Then ' it has a pdf file so it is a good Purchase Part folder
Foldertype$ = "Purchase"
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromF$, Too$, rccc%)
cadflag$ = ""
FromM$ = FromF$
GoSub DeleteIt
Errors$ = "Copied" ' - already copied it
bad = 1
Errors$ = "I18" ' bad ocd
End If
PrintLog "Dunno what this is?"
PrintLog "FromM$ - " + FromM$
PrintLog " \Source - " + "\" + Trim$(source$)
PrintLog ".SLDDRW - " + ".SLDDRW"
If ItIsAnAltium(FromM$) Then
PrintLog "This is an Altium Folder!"
Foldertype$ = "Unknown"
FromD$ = FromM$ + "\" + Trim$(NewName$)
FromF$ = FromM$
'For an Altium part/board check-in the following files required:
' folder named for the board
' U:\8074936D
' and the files
' 8074932D.pdf
' 8074932D.PCBDOC
' 8074932D.PRJPCB
' This will place the folder on the Qdrive at<61>
' Q:\8\8074000\8074936D
'For an Altium assembly check-in the following files will be required:
' folder named for the assembly
' U:\4060007B
' and the files
' 4060007B.pdf
' 4060007B.csv
' This will place the folder on the Qdrive at<61>
' Q:\4\4060000\4060007B
bad = 0
'decide if this an assembly
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".csv"
If (ExistsNew(FromM$)) Then ' it has a csv file so it must be an assembly
'This is an assembly
Foldertype$ = "Altium Assembly"
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".pdf"
If Not (ExistsNew(FromM$)) Then
bad = bad + 1
Errors$ = "I14" ' bad assembly
frmBOM.txtGood.Text = "False"
frmBOM.txtAssembly = NewName$ ' part name
frmBOM.txtBOM = FromD$ + ".CSV"
Call frmBOM.cmdClearBOM_Click ' clear the old assembly
Call frmBOM.cmdReadAltimaBOM_Click ' read in the new assembly
Select Case frmBOM.txtGood.Text
Case "0" ' good bom
Case "1" ' bad bom
bad = bad + 1
Errors$ = "I16"
Case "2" ' no bom
bad = bad + 1
Errors$ = "I15"
Case Else ' unknown bom
bad = bad + 1
Errors$ = "I16"
End Select
End If
'This may be a board
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".pdf"
If Not (ExistsNew(FromM$)) Then
bad = bad + 1
End If
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".PCBDOC"
If Not (ExistsNew(FromM$)) Then
bad = bad + 1
End If
FromM$ = FromD$ + ".PRJPCB"
If Not (ExistsNew(FromM$)) Then
bad = bad + 1
End If
If bad > 0 Then
Errors$ = "I17" '- missing required files from folder
Foldertype$ = "Altium Board"
End If
End If
If bad = 0 Then
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromF$, Too$, rccc%)
cadflag$ = "L"
FromM$ = FromF$
GoSub DeleteIt
Errors$ = "Copied" ' - already copied it
Errors$ = "I14" '- bad assembly
Errors$ = "I15" '- bad no bom
Errors$ = "I16" '- bad bom
End If
End If
End If
End If
PrintLog "Move IN Done"
If Errors$ = "" Then
Killr$ = Too$
Tailn$ = ""
GoSub CopyIt
GoSub DeleteIt
Killr$ = ""
ElseIf Errors$ = "Copied" Then
Errors$ = "" ' - already copied it
End If
' Moves the Drawing from the Main CAD Directory to the User
Call subsearch(NewName$, subdirect$)
Too$ = UserDrive$(Directry$) + Trim$(NewName$)
FromM$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(NewName$)
Killr$ = Too$
Tailn$ = ".1"
PrintLog "MOVE BACK COMMAND (Kick Back)"
PrintLog "Too$ >" + Too$
PrintLog "FromM$ >" + FromM$
PrintLog "Killr$ >" + Killr$
PrintLog "Copyit"
GoSub CopyIt
FromM$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(NewName$)
PrintLog "FromM$ >" + FromM$
PrintLog "Deleteit"
GoSub DeleteIt
PrintLog "cadflag$ >" + cadflag$
PrintLog "Lev$ >" + Lev$
PrintLog "plev$ >" + plev$
'If ThisIsProE(fromm$) Then
If cadflag$ <> "F" Then
Lev$ = UCase$(right$(FromM$, 1))
If Lev$ > "A" Then
plev$ = Chr$(Asc(Lev$) - 1)
If plev$ = "I" Then plev$ = "H"
If plev$ = "O" Then plev$ = "N"
Call RestoreLev(FromM$, plev$)
End If
'End If
End If
Killr$ = ""
' Copies a Drawing from the Main CAD Directory to the Main CAD Directory with a new name
Call subsearch(Product$, subdirect$)
FromM$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Product$ + ProductRev$
Call subsearch(NewProduct$, subdirect$)
Too$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + NewProduct$ + ProductRev$
Tailn$ = ""
GoSub CopyIt
Killr$ = ""
' kills the markup drawing
kll$ = EngrDrive$ + "\Markup\" + Trim$(Directry$) + "\" + Trim$(source$)
If ExistsNew(kll$ + ".zip") Then
On Error Resume Next
Kill kll$ + ".zip"
On Error GoTo 0
End If
If ExistsNew(kll$ + ".mrk") Then
On Error Resume Next
Kill kll$ + ".mrk"
On Error GoTo 0
End If
' Moves the Drawing from the Main CAD Directory to the IE User
FromM$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(source$)
Too$ = IEDrive$ + "\" + Trim$(Directry$) + "\" + Trim$(NewName$)
Tailn$ = ""
GoSub CopyIt
' If rc% = 0 Then
PrintLog "Deleteit: - subroutine -"
PrintLog "cadflag$ >" + cadflag$
If cadflag$ = "P" Then 'P = Proe
fromm1$ = left$(FromM$, Len(FromM$) - 1)
PrintLog " Purging Eight files -> "
PrintLog FromM$ + ".PLT and"
PrintLog fromm1$ + ".DRW and"
PrintLog fromm1$ + ".BOM and"
PrintLog fromm1$ + ".PTD and"
PrintLog fromm1$ + ".ASM and"
PrintLog fromm1$ + ".PRT and"
PrintLog FromM$ + ".PDF"
PrintLog "<-"
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".PLT")
PurgeIt (fromm1$ + ".DRW")
PurgeIt (fromm1$ + ".PTD")
PurgeIt (fromm1$ + ".PRT")
PurgeIt (fromm1$ + ".BOM")
PurgeIt (fromm1$ + ".ASM")
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".PDF")
ElseIf cadflag$ = "E" Then 'E = text
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".TXT")
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".INI")
ElseIf cadflag$ = "L" Then 'L = Altium
Call frmFolderCopy.KillDir(FromM$, rccc%)
ElseIf (cadflag$ = "S") Or (cadflag = "W") Then 'S = Software
PrintLog " Deleting -> FromM$ >" + FromM$ 'W = Solidworks
Call frmFolderCopy.KillDir(FromM$, rccc%)
PrintLog " Deleting -> rccc% >" + Str(rccc%)
ElseIf cadflag$ = "F" Then 'F = Folder
PrintLog " Purging two files -> " + FromM$ + ".DWG and " + FromM$ + ".PDF <-"
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".DWG") ' otherwise it is an AutoCad
PurgeIt (FromM$ + ".PDF")
End If
If (left(source$, 2) = "SW") Or (left(Destin$, 2) = "SW") Or (left(source$, 2) = "AI") Or (left(Destin$, 2) = "AI") Then 'This is special copy (Folder)
Call frmFolderCopy.KillDir(FromM$, rccc%)
ElseIf (left(source$, 2) = "PM") Then
PrintLog " Purging CBR Directory ->"
PrintLog " Deleting -> FromM$ >" + FromM$
Call frmFolderCopy.KillDir(FromM$, rccc%) 'CBR Menu
PrintLog "<-"
PrintLog " Deleting -> rccc% >" + Str(rccc%)
End If
PrintLog "Main - DeleteIt... deleting file " + FromM$
' End If
PrintLog "Deleteit: - return -"
' copies all files related to a drawing
' from the FROMM$ to the TOO$
' FROMM$ and TOO$ are preserved
' FROMM$ and TOO$ must be in the format pppppppr (no extension)
' where ppppppp = part number and r = revision level
' Returns
' NoOfFilesMoved
' CADFlag = "A" or "P" or "E" or "S" or "W"
PrintLog "Copyit: - subroutine -"
PrintLog "cadflag$ >" + cadflag$
NoOfFilesMoved = 0
FileExtCopied$ = ""
cadflag$ = ""
HFromm$ = FromM$
HToo$ = Too$
If ExistsNew(FromM$ + ".PLT") Then
cadflag$ = "P" ' Proe
fromm1$ = FromM$
Too1$ = Too$
FromM$ = FromM$ + ".PLT"
Too$ = Too$ + ".PLT"
If left$(source$, 2) = "PS" Then
cadflag$ = "S" ' Palm checkin
End If
GoSub CopyWithCount
ElseIf (left$(source$, 2) = "PD") Or (left(Destin$, 2) = "PD") Then
ExtIT$ = INIorTXT(FromM$)
cadflag$ = "E" ' Parameter Data File
FromM$ = FromM$ + "." + ExtIT$
Too$ = Too$ + "." + ExtIT$
GoSub CopyWithCount
ElseIf (left(source$, 2) = "SW") Or (left(Destin$, 2) = "SW") Or (left(source$, 2) = "AI") Or (left(Destin$, 2) = "AI") Then 'This is special copy (Folder)
cadflag$ = "F" ' Folder Files
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
ElseIf ItIsACBR(FromM$) Then 'This is CBR copy (Folder)
cadflag$ = "F" ' Folder Files
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
ElseIf ItIsAnAltium(FromM$) Then
cadflag$ = "L" ' aLtium file check in
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
ElseIf ItIsASolidWorksFolder(FromM$) Then
cadflag$ = "W"
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
ElseIf ItIsAManual(FromM$) Then
cadflag$ = "L" ' Manual check in
RC% = 0
FileExtCopied$ = " FLD"
cadflag$ = "A" ' Autocad Files
FromM$ = FromM$ + ".DWG"
Too$ = Too$ + ".DWG"
If Killr$ <> "" Then
Killr$ = Killr$ + ".PS"
If Not KillIt(Killr$) Then PrintLog "---------- Failed to delete " + Killr$ + " Killing .ps file"
End If
If Killr$ <> "" Then
Killr$ = Killr$ + ".PDF"
If Not KillIt(Killr$) Then PrintLog "---------- Failed to delete " + Killr$ + " Killing .pdf file"
End If
GoSub CopyWithCount
End If
If RC% <> 0 Then
Errors$ = "C" + right$("00" + Trim$(Str$(RC%)), 2)
NoOfFilesMoved = 0
FileExtCopied$ = ""
Errors$ = " "
NoOfFilesMoved = 1
End If
FileSizes& = 0
If (NoOfFilesMoved = 1) Then
Select Case cadflag$
Case "P"
' move the ProE files!!!!!!
Fromm2$ = fromm1$
Too2$ = Too1$
fromm1$ = left$(fromm1$, Len(fromm1$) - 1) 'take off revision
Too1$ = left$(Too1$, Len(Too1$) - 1) 'take off revision
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".DRW"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".DRW" + Tailn$
GoSub CopyWithCount
If RC% = 0 Then
FileSizes& = FileLen(FromM$)
End If
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".PTD"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".PTD"
GoSub CopyWithCount
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".PRT"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".PRT" + Tailn$
GoSub CopyWithCount
FromM$ = Fromm2$ + ".PDF" 'with revision
Too$ = Too2$ + ".PDF" 'no tail
GoSub CopyWithCount
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".BOM"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".BOM" + Tailn$
GoSub CopyWithCount
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".ASM"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".ASM" + Tailn$
GoSub CopyWithCount
Case "F"
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromM$, Too$, rccc%)
If rccc% <> 0 Then
Errors$ = "C01"
End If
Case "L", "S", "W" ' this is an altium copy or Solid works Folder
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
Call frmFolderCopy.Copydir(FromM$, Too$, rccc%)
Case Else
FileSizes& = FileLen(FromM$)
End Select
End If
FromM$ = HFromm$
Too$ = HToo$
Too$ = LCase$(Too$)
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
If (RC% = 0) And (cadflag$ = "P") Then
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
End If
If RC% = 0 Then
PrintLog "CopyWCount frm->" + FromM$
PrintLog " to->" + Too$
NoOfFilesMoved = NoOfFilesMoved + 1
extensd = InStr(FromM$, ".")
If extensd <> 0 Then
Extens$ = LPad$(Mid$(FromM$, extensd + 1, 3), 4)
FileExtCopied$ = FileExtCopied$ + Extens$
End If
End If
If frmMain.ChkLogging.value = 1 Then
If func$ <> "P" Then
Logs$ = "Extensions=>" + FileExtCopied$
Logs$ = ""
End If
Logs$ = Errors$ + logcmd$ + Logs$
Call Messages(Logs$)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Open MessageFileName$ For Output As #14 'using #14
Close #14
frmMain.ErrorCondition.Caption = "File Retry - StartSystem"
If Err.Number = 70 Then
frmMain.FileErrInd.value = True
FileTimer = 0
While FileTimer > 0
End If
On Error GoTo 0
pgs% = 0
qname$ = Trim$(Destin$)
Namer$ = Trim$(USER01$)
TypPrint$ = " "
InvMesg$ = " "
For i = 1 To pltI%
If msgt$ = LTrim$(left$(plt$(i), 1)) Then
TypPrint$ = Trim$(Mid$(plt$(i), 2, 31))
InvMesg$ = Trim$(Mid$(plt$(i), 34))
Exit For
End If
que = 0
For i = 1 To lptI%
If UCase$(Place$(i)) = qname$ Then
que = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
' Does PRO-E Exist?
mov$ = EngrDrive$ + subdirect$ + Trim$(source$)
movplt$ = mov$ + ".wir"
If Not (ExistsNew(movplt$)) Then
mov$ = ""
Else ' .PLT Exists !!!!
' Pro-E Exists - Two pages to print
mov$ = movplt$
pgs% = 1
End If
Errors$ = " " ' no error
PrintLog "Mov$=" + mov$
If ExistsNew(Trim$(mov$)) Then
If FileLen(Trim$(mov$)) = 0 Then
Errors$ = "P03"
Mesgline$ = " " + TypPrint$ + " " + Time$ + " " + Date$ + " "
Mesgline$ = Mesgline$ + InvMesg$ + " " + mov$ + " printed at "
Mesgline$ = Mesgline$ + qname$ + " by " + USER01$
PrintLog "Message Line =" + Mesgline$
PSFileStr$ = Replace$(Mesgline$, "\", "\\")
Mesgline$ = PSFileStr$
Call PrintPSFile(qname$, Who$)
End If
Errors$ = "P01"
End If
Exit Sub
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Date$ + " " + Time$ + "Start System Error - " + StepNo$
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Err.Description
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Trim(Str(Err.Number))
Resume StartError_Exit
End Sub
Private Function ItIsAnAltium(fldr$) As Boolean
isit = False
If ItIsAFolder(fldr$) Then 'This might be an altium file
If (left(source$, 2) = "SW") Or (left(Destin$, 2) = "SW") Or (left(source$, 2) = "AI") Or (left(Destin$, 2) = "AI") Then 'This is special copy (Folder)
isit = False
isit = True
End If
End If
ItIsAnAltium = isit
End Function
Private Function ItIsACBR(fldr$) As Boolean
isit = False
PrintLog "is this an CBR(PM) folder? - " + fldr$
If ItIsAFolder(fldr$) Then 'This might be an CBR folder
If InStr(fldr$, "\PM") <> 0 Then 'This is CBR (Folder)
isit = True
isit = False
End If
End If
ItIsACBR = isit
End Function
Private Function ItIsAManual(fldr$) As Boolean
isit = False
PrintLog "is this an Manual? - " + fldr$
If ItIsAFolder(fldr$) Then 'This might be a manual
If (left(source$, 3) = "819") Then 'This is special copy (Folder)
isit = True
End If
End If
ItIsAManual = isit
End Function
Private Function ItIsAnOCD(fldr$) As Boolean
isit = False
PrintLog "is this an OCD? - " + fldr$
If ItIsAFolder(fldr$) Then 'This might be an OCD folder
If (left(source$, 3) = "OCD") Then 'This is special copy (Folder)
isit = True
End If
End If
ItIsAnOCD = isit
End Function
Private Function ItIsAPurchasePart(fldr$) As Boolean
isit = False
PrintLog "is this a Purchase Part? - " + fldr$
PrintLog "Are there the two associated Folers? - " + fldr$ + "\CM_Mfg_Pkg and " + fldr$ + "\FRY_Proj_Pkg"
If ItIsAFolder(fldr$) Then 'This might be an OCD folder
If (ItIsAFolder(fldr$ + "\CM_Mfg_Pkg")) And (ItIsAFolder(fldr$ + "\FRY_Proj_Pkg")) Then
isit = True
PrintLog ("YEP!")
End If
End If
ItIsAPurchasePart = isit
End Function
Private Function ItIsAnAutoCad(fldr$) As Boolean
isit = False
PrintLog "is this an AUTOCAD? - " + fldr$ + ".DWG"
If ExistsNew(fldr$ + ".DWG") Then
isit = True
PrintLog "It is an AUTOCAD! - " + fldr$ + ".DWG"
End If
ItIsAnAutoCad = isit
End Function
Private Function ItIsAMENUFolder(fldr$) As Boolean
isit = False
PrintLog "is this a Menu? - " + fldr$
If ItIsAFolder(fldr$) Then 'This might be a manual
If (left(source$, 2) = "MN") Then 'This is special copy (Folder)
isit = True
End If
End If
ItIsAMENUFolder = isit
End Function
Private Function ItIsASolidWorksFolder(fln$) As Boolean
isit = False
PrintLog "is this a SolidWorks? - " + fln$
fldr$ = BreakFileName(fln$, 1)
PrintLog "fldr$ - " + fldr$
If ItIsAFolder(fldr$) Then 'This might be a manual
If ExistsNew(fln$) Then 'This is special copy (Folder)
isit = True
End If
End If
ItIsASolidWorksFolder = isit
End Function
Private Function ItIsAFolder(fldr$) As Boolean
Dim fsosub As New FileSystemObject
ItIsAFolder = fsosub.FolderExists(fldr$)
End Function
Public Sub Messages(a$)
On Error GoTo Message_Error
Open MessageLogName$ For Append As #10 ' using #10
Print #10, UCase$(Format$(Now, "DD-MMM-YY HH:MM:SS == ")) + a$
Close #10
Call PrintLog(a$)
Exit Sub
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Date$ + " " + Time$ + "Message Error"
Resume Message_Exit
End Sub
Public Sub WDTServer()
If Constipation% <> 0 Then
frmMain.lstReply2.BackColor = QBColor(12)
Exit Sub
End If
frmMain.lstReply2.BackColor = QBColor(15)
WDTFile$ = NetWPath$ + "CMNDPROC.WDT"
If (WDTServerTime! < Timer) Or (Abs(Timer - WDTServerTime!) > 100) Then
WDTServerTime! = Timer + 60
On Error Resume Next
Open WDTFile$ For Output As #8
Close #8
Kill WDTFile$
Open WDTFile$ For Output As #8
Close #8
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Sub
Public Function UserDrive$(UserNam$)
' UD$ = "\\fm1\eng\users\" + Trim(UserNam$) + "\"
UD$ = NETDRV + "\eng\users\" + Trim(UserNam$) + "\"
For ExN% = 0 To Exusers%
If ExNames$(ExN%, 1) = UCase(UserNam$) Then
UD$ = pathCheck(ExNames$(ExN%, 2)) + Trim(UserNam$) + "\"
Exit For
End If
UserDrive$ = UD$
End Function
Public Sub InitVars()
frmMain.Caption = "Command Processor"
frmMain.lblfrmMain.Caption = "Command Processor Version: " + AppRevision$
' NetWPath$ = "\\fm1\eng\users\cadprint\"
' MainPath$ = "C:\Work"
' ChDir MainPath$
' MainPath$ = MainPath$ + "\"
' ACADPath$ = "\\fm1\eng\users\286\"
' CQueSize% = 250
' Constipation% = 0
' EngrDrive$ = "\\fm1\eng\eng\drawings"
' IEDrive$ = "\\fm1\eng\depts\IE"
' 'MainPath$ = ""
' temppath$ = "C:\"
' PROEPath$ = "\\fm1\eng\users\286\proe\"
NetWPath$ = NETDRV + "\eng\users\cadprint\"
MainPath$ = "C:\Work"
ChDir MainPath$
MainPath$ = MainPath$ + "\"
CQueSize% = 250
Constipation% = 0
EngrDrive$ = NETDRAW
IEDrive$ = NETDRV + "\eng\depts\IE"
'MainPath$ = ""
temppath$ = "C:\Files\buffers\"
PROEPath$ = NETDRV + "\eng\users\286\proe\"
MessageFileName$ = NetWPath$ + "CADPRINT.MSG"
MessageLogName$ = NetWPath$ + "CADPRINT.LOG"
MessageLogName2$ = NetWPath$ + "CADPRINT2.LOG"
Reply$ = NetWPath$ + "REPLY.QUE"
ReplyComplete$ = NetWPath$ + "REPLYCMP.QUE"
ReplyComplete2$ = NetWPath$ + "REPLYCM2.QUE"
PrinterCFG$ = NetWPath$ + "PRINTER.CFG"
PrintCfg$ = MainPath$ + "PRINTCFG.BAT"
MAKEPS$ = MainPath$ + "Makeps.BAT"
TFIL$ = temppath$ + "T.FIL"
BufferName$ = temppath$ + "CMDBF"
PROEComplete$ = PROEPath$ + "COMPLETE.QUE"
PROEWait$ = PROEPath$ + "WAIT.QUE"
PROEIncome$ = PROEPath$ + "INCOME.QUE"
PROEReply$ = PROEPath$ + "REPLY.QUE"
OddCondition = 10
ToName = "QUEUE MANAGER" ' Application to Connect to
MyName = "Command Processor" ' This Application window
frmMain.lblToApp.Caption = "Connecting to: " + ToName + " Status: Not Found" 'Status message
' Program
On Error Resume Next
Open MessageFileName$ For Output As #22 'using #22
Print #22, " I AM RUNNING"
Close #22
On Error GoTo 0
lptI% = 0
pltI% = 0
Lpt$(0) = "LPT1"
PrinterGroup$(0) = "0"
Tray$(0) = "UT"
Call LoadPrinters
Call LoadPlot
Call LoadSubDirs
Call GetExternalUsersFile
Call LatestFileNumber
For ixtab = 0 To frmMain.SSTab1.Tabs - 1
frmMain.cboMoveQUE.AddItem frmMain.SSTab1.TabCaption(ixtab)
frmMain.cboMoveQUE.Text = frmMain.SSTab1.TabCaption(0)
frmMain.lblFromTab.Caption = frmMain.SSTab1.TabCaption(0)
frmMain.lblFromTab.Tag = "0"
frmMain.Timer1.Interval = Val(frmMain.txtCheckFileFreq.Text)
frmMain.processTimer.Enabled = True ' Timer to process incoming messages
frmMain.sendTimer.Enabled = True ' Timer to send out going responses
End Sub
Public Sub PrintLog(a$)
frmMain.LstPrint.AddItem a$
If frmMain.LstPrint.ListCount > 1600 Then
frmMain.LstPrint.RemoveItem 0
End If
On Error GoTo Message_Error2
Open MessageLogName2$ For Append As #9 ' using #10
Print #9, UCase$(Format$(Now, "DD-MMM-YY HH:MM:SS == ")) + a$
Close #9
Exit Sub
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Date$ + " " + Time$ + "Message Error"
Resume Message_Exit2
End Sub
Public Sub LatestFileNumber()
frmMain.filBuffers.Path = temppath$
mx = 0
For ix = 0 To frmMain.filBuffers.ListCount - 1
ax$ = frmMain.filBuffers.List(ix)
If InStr(ax$, "CMDBF") <> 0 Then
vl = Val(Mid(ax$, 6))
If vl > mx Then mx = vl
KillIt (temppath$ + ax$)
End If
TogCount = mx
frmMain.lblTog.Caption = Str(TogCount)
End Sub
Public Function ThisIsProE(x$)
tx% = ExistsNew(x$ + ".PLT")
ThisIsProE = tx%
End Function
Public Function PurgeIt(a$)
On Error Resume Next
If ExistsNew(a$) Then
Kill a$
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Public Sub SaveRev(fromm1$, Lev$)
' Fromm1$="u:\GRICE\9101234"
' Lev$="B"
' move drawings to new revision from users drive
Too1$ = fromm1$ + Lev$
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".DRW"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".DRW"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".PTD"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".PTD"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".PRT"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".PRT"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".BOM"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".BOM"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".ASM"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".ASM"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
End Sub
Public Sub RestoreLev(Too1$, Lev$)
Too1$ = left$(Too1$, Len(Too1$) - 1)
fromm1$ = Too1$ + Lev$
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".DRW"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".DRW"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
Call PurgeIt(FromM$)
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".PTD"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".PTD"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
Call PurgeIt(FromM$)
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".PRT"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".PRT"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
Call PurgeIt(FromM$)
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".BOM"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".BOM"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
Call PurgeIt(FromM$)
FromM$ = fromm1$ + ".ASM"
Too$ = Too1$ + ".ASM"
Call Fcopy(FromM$, Too$, RC%)
Call MyLowercaser(Too$)
Call PurgeIt(FromM$)
End Sub
Public Sub WaitOnIt()
While Not (ExistsNew("c:\work\shelwait.go"))
On Error GoTo WaitErr
Kill "c:\work\shelwait.go"
frmMain.ErrorCondition.Caption = " "
Exit Sub
frmMain.ErrorCondition.Caption = "WaitErr - Waitonit"
If Err.Number = 70 Then
frmMain.FileErrInd.value = True
FileTimer = 0
While FileTimer > 0
frmMain.FileErrInd.value = False
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Public Sub FlushReplies()
On Error GoTo Flush_Err
If ((replies2 <> 0)) Then
If (Not (ExistsNew(ReplyComplete$))) And (Not (ExistsNew(Reply$))) Then
Open Reply$ For Output As #5
Call Dumper("------Flushing------")
For rpx = 1 To replies2
Print #5, replys2$(rpx)
Call Dumper(replys2$(rpx))
Close #5
Call Dumper("--------------------")
Call Fcopy(ReplyComplete2$, ReplyComplete$, RC%)
replies2 = 0
If (Not (ExistsNew(ReplyComplete$))) And (ExistsNew(Reply$)) Then
Call Dumper("----for some reason replies exist and reply complete doesnt----")
Call Dumper("----so we are making a new reply complete to send the replys---")
Call Fcopy(ReplyComplete2$, ReplyComplete$, RC%)
End If
End If
End If
Exit Sub
frmMain.FileErrInd = True
frmMain.ErrorCondition.Caption = "Flush Fail"
Resume Flush_End
End Sub
Public Function IsItRunning%(tskid)
Well = True
On Error GoTo IsTskError
AppActivate tskid
On Error GoTo 0
IsItRunning% = Well
Exit Function
Well = False
Resume Next
End Function
Public Sub MyLowercaser(direct$)
' This routine converts the files specified by
' direct$ to lowercase file names.
Dim FileNamesToChange$(900)
a% = LastStr(direct$, "\")
pth$ = left$(direct$, a%)
retrycnt = 200
d$ = Dir$(direct$)
fcnt = 0
While d$ <> ""
FileNamesToChange$(fcnt) = d$
fcnt = fcnt + 1
d$ = Dir$
zzx$ = "0 - activate ON ERROR"
On Error GoTo lchandle
For ixx = 0 To fcnt - 1
zzx$ = "1 - load d$": d$ = FileNamesToChange$(ixx)
zzx$ = "2 - prefix xxx": lc1$ = "xxxx" + LCase$(d$)
zzx$ = "3 - lowercase name": lc$ = LCase$(d$)
zzx$ = "4 - kill prev file": Kill pth$ + lc1$
zzx$ = "5 - rename file to wierd": Name pth$ + d$ As pth$ + lc1$
zzx$ = "6 - pause": Pause (1)
zzx$ = "7 - rename file to lcName": Name pth$ + lc1$ As pth$ + lc$
Exit Sub
If Err.Number <> 53 Then
ax$ = Str$(Err.Number)
b$ = (Err.Description)
retrycnt = retrycnt - 1
mb = 0
If retrycnt < 0 Then
mm1$ = Chr$(13) + " D$=" + pth$ + d$ + " lc1$=" + pth$ + lc1$
mm2$ = Chr$(13) + " lc$=" + pth$ + lc$
mm3$ = Chr$(13) + " Function Step =" + zzx$
mm3$ = mm3$ + Chr$(13) + " direct=" + direct$
mm4$ = Chr$(13) + " Resume = YES" + Chr$(13) + "Resume Next = NO" + Chr$(13) + "Abort lcRoutine = Cancel"
' handle the error to keep this from ever happening again
Call frmMain.lstReply2Cnt_DblClick
If zzx$ = "7 - do dir$ cmnd" Then
frmMain.lstError.AddItem Date$ + " " + Time$ + zzx$
d$ = ""
Resume lchandleOut
End If
mb = MsgBox("Lower case - error no:" + ax$ + Chr$(13) + "Errdesc-" + b$ + mm1$ + mm2$ + mm3$ + mm4$, vbYesNoCancel)
End If
Select Case mb
Case 0, vbYes
Pause (1)
Case vbNo
Resume Next
Case vbCancel
d$ = ""
Resume lchandleOut
Case Else
Resume Next
End Select
End If
Resume Next
End Sub
Public Function INIorTXT$(fln$)
RC$ = "TXT"
If ExistsNew(fln$ + ".INI") Then
RC$ = "INI"
End If
End Function
Public Sub Dumper(st$)
If frmMain.chkDumper.value = 1 Then
Open "C:\files\CommandP.log" For Append As #9
Print #9, Date$ + " " + Time$ + " " + st$
Close #9
End If
End Sub