# DWPORT.CLS Documentation ## Overview DWPORT.CLS is a class file that handles port-related operations and configurations. ## Class Description The DWPORT class provides functionality for managing and interacting with hardware ports. ## Usage Dim port As New DWPORT ## Methods ### Open Opens a connection to the specified port. port.Open(portNumber As Integer) As Boolean ### Close Closes the current port connection. port.Close() ### Read Reads data from the open port. port.Read() As String ### Write Writes data to the open port. port.Write(data As String) ## Properties ### IsOpen Returns whether the port is currently open. port.IsOpen As Boolean ### PortNumber Gets or sets the current port number. port.PortNumber As Integer ### BaudRate Gets or sets the port baud rate. port.BaudRate As Integer ## Error Handling The class includes built-in error handling for common port operations: - Port already in use - Invalid port number - Connection timeout - Read/Write errors ## Dependencies - System.IO.Ports - Microsoft.VisualBasic ## Example Usage Dim port As New DWPORT port.BaudRate = 9600 If port.Open(1) Then port.Write("Test Data") Dim response As String = port.Read() port.Close() End If