# FileWatch Form Documentation This form provides a file monitoring interface that watches multiple system files and displays their existence status. ## Form Controls - **lstFileWatch**: ListBox control that displays file statuses - **Timer1**: Timer control that refreshes file statuses every 1 second - **cmdClose**: Command button to close the form ## Key Functions ### Form_Load() Initializes the form by populating the ListBox with various system files to monitor: - Message files - Log files - Complete/Income/Reply files - CAD related files - Printer configuration files - ACAD files - PROE files ### Timer1_Timer() - Runs every second - Iterates through each item in lstFileWatch - Parses the status string and updates file existence status - Format: "[Status] | [Mode] | [Filename]" ### doesit$(fl$, mode$) Checks file existence and returns formatted status string: Mode types: - 0: Normal file check - Exists: "Normal Exists" - Not Exists: "--Warn Not Exists" - 1: Inverse check - Exists: "--Warn Exists" - Not Exists: "Normal Not Exists" - 2: Error on exists - Exists: "ERROR Exists" - Not Exists: "Normal Not Exists" - 3: Error on not exists - Exists: "Normal Exists" - Not Exists: "ERROR Not Exists" ## Usage The form provides real-time monitoring of system files with color-coded status indicators: - Normal: File exists as expected - Warning: File exists/doesn't exist contrary to expectations - Error: Critical file state mismatch