# CMNDPROC Visual Basic Project Documentation ## Overview CMNDPROC (Command Processor) is a Visual Basic 6.0 application developed by Enterprise Computing Services, Inc. The application is currently at version 7.0.73. ## Program Flow ```mermaid graph TD A[Start: frmStart] --> B[frmMain] B --> C{Command Processing} C -->|Print Jobs| D[Print Management] D --> D1[dwPrinterInfo] D --> D2[dwPortInfo] D --> D3[dwPrintMonitor] D --> D4[dwSpool] D --> D5[SPOOLER1.FRM] C -->|File Operations| E[File Handling] E --> E1[filewatch.frm] E --> E2[ClearBOM] E --> E3[Pdf.frm] C -->|System Functions| F[Core Functions] F --> F1[MyFunctions] F --> F2[APIGuide32] F --> F3[PrinterConstants] F --> F4[dwTypes] C -->|Communication| G[Task Communication] G --> G1[InnerTaskComm] G --> G2[frmMonitorNib] B --> H[Additional Forms] H --> H1[Cmdproc-1.frm] H --> H2[Cmdproc-2.frm] H --> H3[Cmdproc-3.frm] H --> H4[Cmdproc-4.frm] H --> H5[Cmdproc-5.frm] H --> H6[Cmdproc-6.frm] ``` ## Project Components ### External Dependencies - Microsoft Data Binding Collection - Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Library - Microsoft Scripting Runtime - CCRP FolderTreeview Control (VB6) - Various ActiveX Controls (TabControl, ADO Data Control, DataGrid, Common Controls, WinSock) ### Forms 1. frmMain (Main application form) 2. frmStart (Startup form) 3. Cmdproc-1 through Cmdproc-6 4. SPOOLER1 5. filewatch 6. Pdf 7. frmMonitorNib ### Classes 1. dwPortInfo - Port information handling 2. dwPrinterInfo - Printer information management 3. dwPrintMonitor - Print monitoring functionality 4. dwSpool - Print spooling operations 5. ClearBOM - BOM (Byte Order Mark) handling ### Modules 1. Main (CMNDPROC.BAS) 2. MyFunctions 3. APIGuide32 4. PrinterConstants 5. dwTypes 6. InnerTaskComm ## Features - Printer management and monitoring - File watching capabilities - PDF handling - Inter-task communication - Spooler management - Port monitoring and management ## Technical Details - Compiled as 32-bit executable - Single-threaded application - No debugging information included in compilation - Compatible with MS Transaction Server