
137 lines
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Author:Jeremy Hayes
Modified from: Brandon Lovrien version
Command module for programming variable naming conventions
from dragonfly import *
# helper function handling "camelBack"
def camel_back(command):
someString = str(command)
lowerString = someString.lower()
words = lowerString.split()
finalString = ""
isFirst = 1
for word in words:
if isFirst == 1:
finalString = finalString + word
isFirst = 0
finalString = finalString + word.title()
printer = Text(finalString)
# Voice command rule for "Camel" naming convention.
def camel_format(command): # Callback when command is spoken.
textToPrint = command
someString = str(textToPrint)
upperString = someString.title()
printer = Text(upperString.replace(' ', ''))
# Voice command rule for "middle_underscores" naming convention.
def middle_underscores(command): # Callback when command is spoken.
textToPrint = command
someString = str(textToPrint)
printer = Text(someString.replace(' ', '_'))
# Voice command rule for "dot.notation" naming convention.
def dot_notation(command): # Callback when command is spoken.
textToPrint = command
someString = str(textToPrint)
printer = Text(someString.replace(' ', '.'))
# Voice command rule for "_BEGINNING_UNDERSCORES" naming convention.
def _BEGINNING_UNDERSCORES(command): # Callback when command is spoken.
textToPrint = command
someString = str(textToPrint)
upperString = "_" + someString.upper()
printer = Text(upperString.replace(' ', '_'))
# Voice command rule for "middle-slash" naming convention.
def middle_slash_format(command): # Callback when command is spoken.
textToPrint = command
someString = str(textToPrint)
printer = Text(someString.replace(' ', '-'))
# Voice command rule for "spacefree" naming convention.
def SpaceFreeFormat(command): # Callback when command is spoken.
textToPrint = command
someString = str(textToPrint)
printer = Text(someString.replace(' ', ''))
class ProgrammingNamingConventions(MappingRule):
mapping = {
#both of these commands do the same thing in terms of name formatting example: testValue
"var <command>": Function(camel_back),
"var <command> <symbol>": Function(camel_back) + Text("%(symbol)s"),
"<symbol> var <command>": Text("%(symbol)s") + Function(camel_back),
"camelback <command>": Function(camel_back),
"camelback <command> <symbol>": Function(camel_back) + Text("%(symbol)s"),
"<symbol> camelback <command>": Text("%(symbol)s") + Function(camel_back),
#this command capitalizes the 1st letter of each word and removes spaces example: TestValue
"camel <command>": Function(camel_format),
"camel <command> <symbol>": Function(camel_format) + Text("%(symbol)s"),
"<symbol> camel <command>": Text("%(symbol)s") + Function(camel_format),
#this command replaces spaces between words with underscores example:test_value
"middle under <command>": Function(middle_underscores),
"middle under <command> <symbol>": Function(middle_underscores) + Text("%(symbol)s"),
"<symbol> middle under <command>": Text("%(symbol)s") + Function(middle_underscores),
#this command replaces spaces between words with dots example:test.value
"dot notation <command>": Function(dot_notation),
"dot notation <command> <symbol>": Function(dot_notation) + Text("%(symbol)s"),
"<symbol> dot notation <command>": Text("%(symbol)s") + Function(dot_notation),
#example of this command: _TEST_VALUE
"beginning under <command>": Function(_BEGINNING_UNDERSCORES),
"beginning under <command> <symbol>": Function(_BEGINNING_UNDERSCORES) + Text("%(symbol)s"),
"<symbol> beginning under <command>": Text("%(symbol)s") + Function(_BEGINNING_UNDERSCORES),
#example of this command: test-value
"middle lines <command>": Function(middle_slash_format),
"middle lines <command> <symbol>": Function(middle_slash_format) + Text("%(symbol)s"),
"<symbol> middle lines <command>": Text("%(symbol)s") + Function(middle_slash_format),
# example of this command: testvalue
"space free <command>": Function(SpaceFreeFormat),
"space free <command> <symbol>": Function(SpaceFreeFormat) + Text("%(symbol)s"),
"<symbol> space free <command>": Text("%(symbol)s") + Function(SpaceFreeFormat),
extras = [
"parameters dot":"()."
# Create a grammar which contains and loads the command rule.
naminggrammar = Grammar("naming conventions") # Create a grammar to contain the command rule.